Now pay attention here. There are a people as bright as me and even a few much more bright (What a delightful find). Not to mention (Or suppose to mention, Ha!) a lawyer involved. I told you the stacks were high. Higher than all but three of you know.
To play is but trivial, however the outcome will be rather major for at least 4 of you and of significance a top at least one more. Guessing the players is just a minor part of the Game. A way of saying …the horses are one the track.
As Deanna would say… “Are You ready?,” followed by some sort “oww” mean cat like noise that motivates men the way a dead cow motivates vultures (Oh I could have said so many mean things right there that it hurts me not to have done so! Ouch!). of course she would be nude, naked, naughty and absolutely irresistible at the time.
I am afraid that sort of deviance I can not offer here but I still hear it ringing in my ears and I have a few scars from those interesting weeks to boot. It's odd what we carrywith us into the future.
We all move on to our more prefect imperfections, imprefections that will be replaced by the next set of genital-ia that have to some how justify to the former set. not that the two are related in anything more than the most general way. From Roast beef to tacos, from sardines to andue sausage, does any of it matter anyway? Our opinions of what is great and fantastic change as soon as we find a new bit of "strange" (Or at least I am told, well and truth be told know a bit about).
Yeah in the end meat is cheap and hearts are a fragile exchange of what ever beast we decide to show. We seek to heal our own wounds with the blood of others. Point said, stab exercised.
I think prehapes we would exchange all our harsh words with a time of a last soft kiss and a gentle goodbye. A silent but under stood goodbye and good luck.
Yeah, but we don't allow that to happen. We had rather spread our hurt or what-ever weird thing it is we feel into a prolonged and pointless war.
I can say this as I am as guilty as any one whom I point my finger at. Can I do anything about it?
So all the sadder. All the more strange vomiting in the night. Pain is pain and when that is all we have to hold on to, we do. Though it be a tragedy in the making. Pain is better than nothing and nothing is better than pain. Er, Uh Right?
You move on. You do new or sometimes old things only better.
In the end all you have really done is tarnish gold.
Clever words and sideways staments just solidify a sour belly of resentment that really could have been avoided if we let anything (one) other than our hearts navigate the journey. Tears eventualy run until they are but blood. Blood is a sign of the wounded and the wounded bite. If in justifiable action or not the wounded strike out and normally they make the fericest opponents (Opponents we when what we need are allies). So is life. So is Death. In the end (So to speak) is there any difference?
What good ever came of anger (Except all those revolutions that brought about various amounts of freedom) ?
Do we care? Can one hate so harshly with out having loved deeply?
I doubt it, only great passion inspires either emotion.
Then there is the ever so trival matter of viseral attitude. You know, the "I am gonna kick your ass mentality". You nor anyone else is gonna kick my ass any time soon (Or later).
Totaly for the most base of barbarians among us and a symptom of primative stupidity. I'm not gonna kick anyones ass any time soon. Not with anything less than words and retoric. You really have to push me to get meto that point. I don't want that, PERIOD. Neither does anyone else even half way familar with my linguistic abilities .
"A gentleman will walk but never run" is an axiom I live by. I have had my ass handed to me a few times, but I have never backed down. I never will. I have stood my ground and that of others on more than one occassion and stood my by own passifist beliefs at the same time. If you need a meaty machoist show down then I feel a bit sorry for you.
EVOLVE and catch up with the
better part of humanity.
Maybe that is as stupid as any violent threat as well. I do not know for certain, butit feels right to me. You only show your own insecurities when you make threats. Action speaks so much louder in these cases. Show up and throw down or shut up and lay down, as they say in boxing.
"I'm gonna kick your ass" brilliant. I am impressed. How about I am gonna hit you upside the head with a brick when you arn't looking...that's more my philosophy, no such thing as a fair fight except in boxing (Sometimes). Yet even that is childish and moronoc.
Well we are violent apes. we are subject to behavior that got us in trouble all the way back to pre-school (For those among you went to pre-school).
You know, the “Na Na a Boo Boo” effect”
I bet even guys with 12 inch cocks that can pump it away for hours fall short of the 4 ½ inch cock that replaces him for the year or so until said vagina finds an at least half way substitute. It's about displacment not replacment. If you have confidence in what you do then you are all right and it is not the sort of thing that should be shared and displayed anyway. If one needs to brag, well then obviously you
need to brag. No contest.
Just as the banging booty has to ride second seat to the smorgasbord of available trim. Great in quantity but lacking in local flavor (I.E. Having that trim trained).
In the end is it not all a game of “ have moved on but some part of my heart hangs on to you but look what I’m doing now?”
I don’t think anyone really wants to hurt each other but we can’t help it. It some how justifies us in the worst possiable way. What we need is peace and friendship not put downs and breusteght noghts.
All the statements of how well we are doing without the other and how much better the sexual performance (A factor we worry about even when we are digging new canals…see what I am stating?) is it not that we have moved on blah blah blah blah.
It's all just meaningless perspective garbage. Of Course your new lover is better than your last. Other wise we would be diminished by being forced to have to move on to the next bit of strange. That is a reflection onto ourselves and not a positive one. so as I said every dick or bit of trim is better than the last when in tuth all to often the better part of love making actually is in residence far back before the comparison could ever have been made. \And why does it have to be about the physical? Do not our partners reflect our emotional needs of the times we were with them? Some Greater Some poorer. Should any comparison be made at all?
Does it not take away from ourselves to put another down over so emotional an affair?
I try to make it a policy not to discuss other partners with present ones as it is none of their business. It is a policy I wish all my past lovers would take but I certainly know some do not. Oh, well. I stand upon my hill and am content with the flowers that bloom upon it.
In the end the people most hurt by these transitional relationships are the ones who entered into it with the crushed long timer and didn’t realize it. They eventually will run out their duty as a booty call and fade away.
We on the other hand seeking out as much pain reliever as we can and labeling it anything handy.We will suffer through all the doubt wonder any natural human would in so flaky a relationship. However some will not as that is all they know. Being unable to maintain any sort of relationship for more than a few years they will be damned to repeat this process over and over again(Maybe I am of such lot, maybe most of us are as well).
Sigh. Am I one of these?
Maybe, but I have only had one real relationship that shows hold out for hope. A fantasy from a dream drawn clear upon paper but lost in the fog of daily life. Is she real? Is she there at all?
I think so. I may have already met her and do not know it. She may not exist at all. I have always had a lot of success when I was alone. I just hope she is there. I ope I find herI just hope when I do find her that she is as at least a little kinky!
Say good night Gracie.
"Good Night Gracie"
P.S. I wrote this rather rapidly and have not spell checked it.
Sorry, I will do that later.