Liar, Liar #@&* for Hire

Not really for hire so much as...well never mind, lets just say some standards are simply different and neither is more right or wrong than the other.
Here by invitation or opportunity you will find your invitation to the game, the second clue is given some where within. Are you clever enough to see it? Am I clever enough to hide it?
Now, new age, U.F.O.’ers just need not apply. Just go quietly to your convention. Play D&D and pretend to worship Teutonic gods of the long removed Aryan pursuit. (Racist Mother Fuckers)
Liar, Liar, nasty-word-that's rymie, for Hire.
Liar, Liar, nasty-word-that's rymie, for Hire.
Or the Difference between Lying and Betrayal by deed.
I only bring up the subject as in the past I could not or I would have been thrown to the wolves instead of the slightly smaller jackels, I.E. I can speak freely now. About every thing from verbal abuse to actually being struck by flying decrotive conversational scultures.
Shannon often accused me of lying and well that is true enough, in it's own way. I never raised a hand. I never said a word not rooted in the truth of the moment and often held my tounge in fear of what might come if I let the beast fly.
Shannon often accused me of lying and well that is true enough, in it's own way. I never raised a hand. I never said a word not rooted in the truth of the moment and often held my tounge in fear of what might come if I let the beast fly.
I did lie about a lot of things. Most of them to perpetuate this illusion of self I have. However one thing I never did and she with out flaw she never failed to do was break promises.
From I will never hit you again to I will never let you spend the night out in the cold wet rain. (I wonder If I should include the time) (Or Times, as I suspect), that she drugged my coffee to motivate my absent sex drive…that is truly a gray area).
My intrest is peaked and my worry for my daughter tripled by;
Unattractive people who are really into incense and incest. And Present, smoking pot, proably doung Meth and blowing smoke in Daisy's face (I have witnessed this first hand, the principle was to make her "mellow" and go to sleep).
Unattractive people who are really into incense and incest. And Present, smoking pot, proably doung Meth and blowing smoke in Daisy's face (I have witnessed this first hand, the principle was to make her "mellow" and go to sleep).
Anyway, Ill' bet you know the groovy crowd I am refering to,You know the chanting, Pan loving, don't have a clue, sky clad, middle aged over-weight crowd. I bet you have seen them in an "Oh gross" moment on HBO'S "Real Sex" program.
I guess I shouldn’t be to critical as I have been laid by a small number of these people but I will say they should just drop the whole wizard / witch bullshit and just go with the pervert thing. It really works better and is more honest. Hell I could even ride a little while on that trip so long as the wrinkles and “flamp” are kept to a manageable level.
Guess what I am saying her is what is the difference between lying on the surface to protect privacy and image and lying to get your stuff touched by a stranger are really very different things. I like the lies I tell I guess because I know the truth behind them and always have while the other variety is just full of self serving oh my that feels nice mentality. We all like our stuff touched it's just a matter of how far we will comprimise our souls to have it donwe and exactly how Selective we are.
Guess what I am saying her is what is the difference between lying on the surface to protect privacy and image and lying to get your stuff touched by a stranger are really very different things. I like the lies I tell I guess because I know the truth behind them and always have while the other variety is just full of self serving oh my that feels nice mentality. We all like our stuff touched it's just a matter of how far we will comprimise our souls to have it donwe and exactly how Selective we are.
Hell you can do both without lying to any one, ther are clubs for that sort of thing, but what do I know? Ha!
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