"Some things never change." Oh Really Now?

"Some times I feel like just getting a shotgun and pulling a Hemingway."
Yup, and some things never change and other things you thought were different were always the same old game.
Entropy ALWAYS wins.
Leopards don’t change their spots and if you want a curious look at the current state of things you have to do little more than look back. History is one hell of a teacher, as Chaos theory teaches us: there are patterns in what at first seems to be random occurrences but even in the greatest examples of the acceleration of entropy you will (Not might but Will) find patterns of recurrence. Patterns hidden with in the abstract. Singular courses of action that repeat themselves over and over again with only the slightest variation in details. It’s all there in the laws and formulas of “strange attractors” and the Humboldt equations. Abstract as they are, they apply to both the wildly weird world of non linear physics, organic patterns in nature and human behavior.
There is order in disorder, and it is as obvious as a pimple on your nose. It takes no genius to see this once the truth has been laid bare.
There is order in disorder, and it is as obvious as a pimple on your nose. It takes no genius to see this once the truth has been laid bare.
"I'm probably going to regret this..."
"One of the whores from your harem has escaped and has been scratching around my garbage can, keep them on a leash please."
A quote, I kid you not.
Now who is calling the Kettle black? How funny.