Grant Me A Little Anger, I Deserve It

There are those who think they can address me in words.
They are up against forces they can not fathom.
This probably explains why they had rather “kick my ass” than debate me. It is a sign of passive-aggressive behavior, and well…stupidity.
That is all I have to say to that.
Play “Lord Slayer Death Dragon Master” (Or what-ever, give me a break) a little longer or what ever f@#Ked up bullshit that might pass the time for them between masturbating, worshiping Baal, and sticking it to what ever will let them while they fantasize about Paris Hilton (Or whomever is convenientand isn't convenience what it's all about? I have heard evidence into the mind of Poniccie on this topic here, by the way.
Well in my great triumph of the vernacular I may also take consolation in the fact that I have been sidewise assaulted by the flaked out “Make it up as you go along” crowd. With absolutely nothing to substantiate their presumed titles. What a frigging joke! I suppose no more out ragious than my title of "Saint Tuesday" but at least I know that that is a laitgth-ian joke.
Play “Lord Slayer Death Dragon Master” (Or what-ever, give me a break) a little longer or what ever f@#Ked up bullshit that might pass the time for them between masturbating, worshiping Baal, and sticking it to what ever will let them while they fantasize about Paris Hilton (Or whomever is convenientand isn't convenience what it's all about? I have heard evidence into the mind of Poniccie on this topic here, by the way.
Well in my great triumph of the vernacular I may also take consolation in the fact that I have been sidewise assaulted by the flaked out “Make it up as you go along” crowd. With absolutely nothing to substantiate their presumed titles. What a frigging joke! I suppose no more out ragious than my title of "Saint Tuesday" but at least I know that that is a laitgth-ian joke.
“Some times I feel like just getting a shotgun and pulling a Hemingway”
This a quote that got me into trouble. Taken out of context and misused.
Seriously, are you kidding me?
It was thrown up in my face that Hemingway may not have not died honorably. The same could be said of so many of my hero’s, and probably a lot of everybodies. Grant you a lot did commit suicide, so the FUCK what?
They did not all commit suicide it's not really about that anyway. If you are so depressed you just can't work or function so that the goverment must send you a check then gode nobbies for you, fine, but certainly don't critisize those who actually did something profound with their depression instead of getting a free ticket to ride. Like writting brilliant works of litature or creating astronomical art.
I feel as if; we are beings free by our own will we have the RIGHT to decide the time and method of our passing when the declared time comes.
Hell, Vonnegut, Adams, and well most of the others died comparatively young but of natural causes. I am not even sure how this was meant to insult me other than to make me aware that I was being monitored (As if I gave one goddamn).
Am I angry over this? No, not really, I just had a few more thoughts to add to the record I desire to create and cross reference (It’s actually quite amusing in a petty little way [I am not afraid of my thoughts, by pulling them out and slamming them down in this filthy sort of way I conquer the more base members of my mental collective].)
I would tell you the biggest mistake people make about me but that would be counter productive!
Just a joke there.
I guess my biggest mistake is my inability to keep my opinion (Even if just for the moment) to my self.
I don’t hate anybody and by that I specificaly am refering to my ex, Shannon. She is inferred here and is minorly hinted at in this diatribe. I love her but I think she makes the silliest and most desperate choices, hell even I could be considered on of those.
She always has made choices below her and I suspect she always will. I'll bet even her dreaded mother would agree on this fact.
As the sailors say “any port in a storm” and her whole life has been a storm and for that I weep, and wish her well.
I just don’t trust the characters in her life. Except her mother Sandy…a competent, caring and yet a complete cunt of a tyrant (I used to call her the wicked witch of the west) Then there is Tom, her step father, an extremely intelligent and trust worthy fellow.
As for her real father “Bruce”…I will only say two things…1. He believes that Star Wars was based in a real event from our past.
2. He believes absolutely everything he hears except the truth…he isn’t stupid but he is out there…as rational people we have it as our duty to correct the crazies so that the free thinkers and eccentrics don’t take the blame.
That’s enough for now. I hope to get an update on my Daughter Daisy some time(?). Not that I nor my father will hold our collective breath, or I will just have to find another way, hopefully a gentle one.
Shannon’s Birthday was here a day or so ago, she is now the same age as I was when she met me. I hope it was a good one. Er, uh, I just hope it was a good one. The rest can be told else wise by others.
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