Saturday, May 31, 2008

Heat Wave

I am dying from this sweltering, humid southern heat! I finally acclimated to the North Western weather and now this Southern oven is overwhelming. Gezze!
More on this later when I cool off.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

No Child Left Behind...Right

Oooh. He's clever. And obviously knows exactly what he's doing. This is all a set up, people. Has to be. Yes, I'm talking about George Bush's veto of the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Who, but a total stoned horned ogre would do that? Maybe an ogre with something up his sleeve, eh? Has anyone thought of that? I'm just waiting for him to drop the other shoe. Or throw it at a crippled puppy. Either way, there's a hidden agenda in there somewhere.
To intimate it didn't seem like his finest hour is akin to saying that sinking your IRA into tying live vampire bats to a horizontal stick and trying to sell them to the Fisher Price people as above-crib mobiles is probably not your best retirement strategy. As public relations go, this was on the order of handing out celebratory exploding cigars near the oxygen tents of an intensive care ward

2.Does he seriously want us to believe he has no problem asking for another 190 billion for his oil war, but can't find 7 billion a year for children's health care? Are you kidding me? "No child left behind." More like "no child left standing." The man has opened himself up to charges of criminal child neglect. An Amber Alert featuring Air Force One should be triggered.

Crazy? Like a fox. He scuttled the S-CHIP hush-hush style. Like a cat burglar at night, in a closet, with the lights off, under a raincoat, wearing a ski mask and a fake ZZ Top beard. The legislation was intended to reduce the number of children without health insurance and extend coverage to several million more poor children. But the threat that some wrong kids might inadvertently receive coverage makes that totally unacceptable? Who believes that?

Oh, we know the President's public stance: he doesn't want to slide down the slippery slope toward socialized medicine by expanding the program to higher-income families. But he's not as dumb as he looks. Surely he knows when it comes to kids, America's got a collective soft spot right at the top of our heads. Call it our offspring fontanelle.

That's why this has to be a ruse. Accusing Democrats of authoring a plan that would hurt children ... that doesn't even make sense. Here's the deal; since the Prez is not up for re-election ever again, he's in league with party leadership and they're using this dodge in a drastic attempt for the GOP to hang onto the White House. Painting the Bush Administration as so malevolent that in comparison all the '08 Republican candidates look like latter day saints of Jesus Christ. You know what I mean.

And we better hope this works, or the next public event is bound to be even more provocative. I can see it now: Bush emceeing an apple pie poisoning exhibition, right after a quick round of mom-slapping, held on the South Lawn by the light of a massive teddy bear bonfire with refreshments of barbecued pet parakeet skewers and goldfish shakes.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

50 Sugestions for John McCain’s Vice President

1. WARREN BUFFET. World's richest man can't hurt, in case the campaign needs a loan. Or the country.
2. JAMES EARL JONES. The most trusted voice in show business.
3. DAN QUAYLE. Knows the drill.
4. ED MCMAHON. Knows the drill AND he knows the intro: "Here's Joohhhnyyyyyy."
5. RONALD REAGAN. Quit pussyfooting around. It's what the base wants. Who cares if he's dead? How much less animated is that from his second term?
6. JEB BUSH. Ups the Bush streak to seven of last eight GOP tickets.
7. JOE LIEBERMAN. Invests campaign with bipartisan spin. Also returns "Joementum" to national lexicon.
8. KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON. Takes "woman" thing out of play.
9. CINDY MCCAIN. Takes "woman" thing out of play, and keeps it in the family.
10. COLIN POWELL. Takes "black" thing out of play.
11. CONDOLEEZZA RICE. Takes "woman and black" things out of play.
12. GEORGE CLOONEY. Takes "woman" thing out of play.
13. JOAN RIVERS. Takes "old" thing out of play. "Woman" thing still in play.

14. LARRY KING. Takes "old" and "woman" things out of play.
15. ANDY ROONEY. Really takes "old" thing out of play. No, really.
16. ALAN GREENSPAN. Wasn't everything a whole lot better when he was in charge? And takes "old" thing out of play.
17. MARY CHENEY. Takes "lesbian" and "unwed mother" things out of play.

18. DICK CHENEY. What the hell. Something to be said for continuity.
19. FRED THOMPSON. Throws a bone to the conservative wing and makes candidate appear vibrant.
20. REGIS PHILBIN. A touch of Hollywood. Old Hollywood, but Hollywood nonetheless.
21. MIKE HUCKABEE. Plays popular former governor of Arkansas card.
22. RUDY GIULIANI. Sop to huge pro- choice, pro- gay rights, pro- gun control wing of the GOP. Not to mention NEW YORK.
23. HILLARY CLINTON. Wants it so bad, she'd cross the aisle for death- watch slot.
24. MICHAEL BLOOMBERG. Independents? You want independents? We got your independents right here.
25. MIA HAMM. Soccer Moms? You want soccer moms? We got your soccer moms right here.
26. DALE EARNHARDT JR. NASCAR dads? You want NASCAR dads? We got your NASCAR dads right here.
27. RON PAUL. Two words. Texas Dammit.
28. TOM CRUISE. Scientologists are to Republicans what vegans are to hippies.
29. ADMIRAL STOCKDALE. Because America loves second chances.
30. CHUCK NORRIS. Locks down Huckabee contingent and firms up "Total Kick Ass" presidential ticket.
31. ELIOT SPITZER Because America loves second chances.
32. THE VERIZON "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW" GUY. Brings huge network with him.
33. PAT ROBERTSON. You want to suck up to the Christian Right. Then suck up to the Christian Right.
34. MITT ROMNEY. Just to exploit the incredible chemistry between the two.
35. CHER. Campaign will never suffer from lack of wigs.
36. BRETT FAVRE. Terrific name recognition. Needs a job. Sews up Wisconsin and Mississippi.
37. JOHN MADDEN. Who doesn't love John Madden? Brings total telestrator dominance to ticket.
38. KEIFER SUTHERLAND. What right winger doesn't love Jack Bauer? Torture question becomes moot.
39. TED WILLIAMS' HEAD. Future focused. Travel costs slashed. Low maintenance.
40. RUSH LIMBAUGH. If you can't beat them, conjoin them.
41. WILLIE NELSON. You have any idea of what percentage of this country smokes pot?
42. SNOOP DOG. Puts the shasizzle back in the campaignizzle.
43. STEPHEN HAWKING. Not American born. But who would quibble with smartest man in the world?
44. DONALD TRUMP. Makes everyone look humanoid in comparison.
45. SONNY VON BULOW. Like Terry Shiavo, only alive. And rich.
46. KARL ROVE. Assassination insurance.
47. DONALD RUMSFELD. See Karl Rove.
48. NEWT GINGRICH. See Karl Rove.
49. JACK KEVORKIAN. Looking to enter politics and makes top of the ticket lovable and youthful and animated. Also, see Karl Rove.
50. G. GORDON LIDDY. Because there comes a time when every president needs a human firewall.

Where The Hell Is George ?

I think its time you and I had us a talk about President Whatshisname. Certainly time somebody spoke of him. Because I'm not sure anybody's noticed, but he seems to have disappeared lately. And don't go all blank on me: You know who I'm talking about. The guy in charge. Supposedly. The Decider. Mr. Mission-Not-Quite-Accomplished. The scaly dragon the Democrats forged the armor of their entire campaign to fight against has turned into the Incredible Shrinking Man and he just can't stop. As forgotten as the stitching contractor for the 54 DeSoto Diplomat seat vendor. And while the Democrats ignore him, the Republicans have implemented a policy barring any reference to him under penalty of severe twingeing.
He went somewhere recently. Overseas I think. And met up with this other guy who could have been Russian and who may or may not be leaving his job soon just like our guy and the two of them together were as useless as a Powerpoint presentation on Viagra at a Eunuchs convention. Lame duck doesn't even come close here. A meeting of clipped winged hawks with 20 pound weights tied to their talons. A comatose vulture summit. Crippled geese. Biologically deformed Pterodactyl fossils encased in the amber pool of irrelevance, obsolescence and guilt. Whoa. OK. I'm done.
Then month ago, our guy, whatshisname, Bush, held a press conference to admonish Congress about something really important. OK, something kind of important. It was importantish. He said. The problem is, no one paid any attention at all to what he was saying. According to the people who actually claimed to have listened, (being paid quite handsomely to do so) it had something to do with Colombia. The country, not the District. And it concerned free trade. Or maybe it didn't. Perhaps it was Columbus, Ohio and trade fairs. Or the Colombia River Valley and fir trees. Or he quite possibly might have been expressing his admiration for 50s singing sensation Teresa Brewer and her unheralded, yet pivotal role in promoting the Tennessee Valley Authority's capacity to produce power from hydroelectric dams. Who knows? It's all a blur.
Like everyone else, most Americans were too busy watching the angry white woman and the serene black guy going at it with claw hammers. I'm sorry. I mean they were busy watching the surrogates of the angry white woman and the serene black guy go at it with claw hammers. And the surrogates are running out of claw hammers. And the candidates are running out of surrogates. And John McCain is floating through with the look that he has absolutely no idea what a bush is unless you're talking about defoliated shrubbery that can be used for political cover. Which any military man can understand.
Reputedly, there was yelling. As there often is. And the upshot is, Congress had better get their butts in gear and do exactly what he says or all kinds of holy hell is going to break loose and don't get him mad because you're not going to like him when he's mad. And Congress's response was along the lines of "Hunh? What? Who's mumbling? Oh. Yeah, I guess. Whatever. And if we don't do what you want us to do, then you're going to do what? Not assist us with our re- election campaigns? Oh gosh. That would be disastrous."

Friday, May 23, 2008

The 5th Reich

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Impeach George W Bush

Amendment IV

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

George Bush has brought the American People in eight months short of eight years:
Take action now! You can take action right now to keep the impeachment movement going strong. Click this link to send your letter to pressure the House Judiciary Committee. Building the momentum of this historic movement requires help from people like you. Millions demand impeachment, and with Congress stalling, only our popular pressure can carry out the critical tasks before us.

The wars he initiated and accelerated in Afghanistan and Iraq that have cost hundreds of thousands of lives, including thousands of U.S. soldiers killed and tens of thousands disabled for life with no intention and little prospect of ending direct U.S. military involvement half a world away in the next eight years; vast increases in military expenditures, erosion of the planets environment, greater global warming, and a staggering National Debt; pervasive violations of the Bill or Rights, civil rights and civil liberties of U.S. citizens and human rights of foreigners including summary executions, torture, kidnapping, prolonged secret detention, and massive invasions of privacy; corruption of justice by pursuing political and selective prosecutions, false charges and national, ethnic, racial and religious persecution and profiling; tax cuts for the rich, neglect of the poor, $4 a gallon gasoline, high prices for food and other necessities, mortgage foreclosures on the homes of tens of thousands of American families, a pattern of policies intended to enrich the rich and impoverish the poor in the U.S. and abroad.

President Bush has concealed, misrepresented and falsified facts essential to governance in a free society to mislead the Congress, the Judiciary and the people. In his remaining eight months, President Bush will continue to threaten other nations in violation of international law and clearly intends to commit new aggressions in his belligerent presidency. If not stopped by impeachment he may strike Iran’s nuclear projects and immerse the United States in avoidable war for a generation far more exhausting than any we have known. Seeking to prevent anyone from daring to even talk with empires, or peoples he proclaims “evil”, Bush invokes “appeasement” of the Nazis, as he condemns “...the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history” to prevent any communication with enemies he selects. Yet he knows that not only Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter have proposed meetings with Iran, Syria, North Korea, Hamas, Hezbollah and others to resolve conflicts, but that his own Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice, and Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, Admiral William J. Fallon, immediate past commander of all U.S. forces in the Middle East and his predecessor General John P. Abizaid, among many other U.S. leaders, have urged dialogue with Bush defined evil empires, as a means of reducing tension and avoiding war. George Bush knows only force. When he speaks of freedom as his purpose, he intends force as his means. Freedom from the barrel of the gun. He believes torture, kidnaping, secret detention are the way to freedom. Above all he uses deliberate deception, concealment of facts and outright lies to the American people and the world as the way to start the wars he begins, but fails to end. Completely arrogant, he built a $700 million dollar U.S. Embassy, the largest and most expensive in history, in the heart of Baghdad in the midst of a half decade bloody occupation of all Iraq, his Imperial Capitol in the Emerald City, exposed to daily mortar attacks. And a major new $60 million dollar U.S. prison away from home just north of Kabul, an Afghan Guantanamo, surely good for the recruitment of 25,000 Muslims from around the world who cannot bear to see a new alien torture factory on Muslim soil. In the final eight months of his presidency George Bush has made it clear he will be the decider of the next eight years and more.

What else can he mean when he lectures the Israeli Knesset telling it “...Israel’s population may be just over 7 million. But when you confront terror and evil you are 307 million strong because America stands with you.”, and in the same breath proclaims that letting Iran acquire nuclear weapons would be an “unforgivable betrayal of future generations ... America stands firmly with you in opposing Iran’s nuclear weapons ambitions.” And that immediately after both Israeli Prime Minister Olmert and major opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu, whose address immediately preceded Bush’s, called for harsh action to be taken against Iran’s nuclear development.

Of course, Iran like the rest of the world knows both the U.S. and Israel have nuclear warheads capable of obliterating whole nations and major new nuclear arms programs, all in violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Threatened nations may believe possession of nuclear weapons is the only deterrent to U.S. aggression. While President Bush continues his quest for a “peace” agreement between Israel and Palestine, he arms and incites Palestine to civil war, condones ever expanding Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank and proclaims the U.S. as “proud to be Israel’s closest ally and best friend” in a rare moment of truthfulness, hardly reassuring Palestinians that he can be an honest broker and enraging Arab peoples who have suffered with Palestine for sixty years.

After praising Israel, which has brought Palestine to tenuous conditions of impoverishment and sudden death, Bush, who has reduced the population of Iraq to the most miserable and endangered on earth with one in five in internal, or external exile, lectures “nations across the Middle East” to “...treat their people with the dignity and respect they deserve.” There has been no greater failure in the history of the Congress and the American people than our present failure to proceed with impeachment proceedings against George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and others for these long near eight years of high crimes and misdemeanors, trashing our most precious principles by torture, aggression, and lies, making America the enemy of humanity in many eyes.

Our failure to act now may expose America and the world to years of war, impoverishment, environmental degradation and suffering. The Constitution is far more explicit about the importance and procedure for impeachment than any other power vested in the Congress.

It provides in Article II, Section 4, that “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors” and in Article I, Section 2, that “The House of Representatives ... shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.” A Bill of Impeachment filed in the House of Representatives is referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Judiciary Committee has the primary responsibility for initiating and receiving all Bills of Impeachment, investigating, conducting hearings, voting on and sending those Bills of Impeachment to the House of Representatives for final determination.

Its faithful performance of this awesome duty is essential to the integrity, honor and survival itself of Constitutional government in the United States. The Judiciary Committee and its Chairman have failed to act in the face of overwhelming evidence of the most grievous high Crimes and Misdemeanors ever to imperil our nation and its place among nations. It is imperative that We, the People of the United States, demand of the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and its Chairman John Conyers that they immediately commence consideration of the many allegations of impeachable offenses by President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and other civil Officers of the Untied States and present a comprehensive Bill of Impeachment for Committee consideration by July 4, 2008. I ask every American who cares about the integrity of our government and the welfare of our People and those we assault to immediately demand Chairman John Conyers and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives commence hearings on a Bill of Impeachment of President Bush, Vice President Cheney and others by July 4, 2008.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hillary, It's Over

I'm not saying Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's historic presidential run is toast. Finished. Down the drain. Caput. Washed up. History. A memory. In the archives. Defunct. Extinct. Artifacto. Took a hike. Sleeping with the fishes. Part of the vast past tense. Joined the choir invisible. Totally obliterated. Entering Sidekick City. Sheer finito. Thoroughly through. Down goes Frasier. Swept away by the Tahiti Express. See ya: Wouldn't want to be ya. So long and sayonara sweetheart. Became an ex-presidential run. Experiencing fossilization. Stick a fork in her -- she's done. Game over, man. Say bye.

No. No. No. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that it's down to the wire but that wire is starting to unravel. She's hanging by a thread, down to her last dime and the wheels are coming off. It's two outs, two strikes, nobody on, bottom of the ninth and she's behind by about 142. Got her back up against the wall because an elephant is standing on the couch with the remote. It's closing time: and she don't have to go home but she can't stay here. The window of opportunity has slammed shut on her fingers while hanging outside onto the sill 12 stories up. Her time clock has been punched by a mob of boxing kangaroos. Half of her team is handing her a white flag to wave and the other half is throwing in a towel on her behalf.

She's down to the last banana in the bunch and even though that one is pretty bruised up, the tarantulas won't let her go there anyway. She's going down for the umpteenth time in high seas. The 2-minute warning was a minute fifty ago and it's 4th and 97. The undertaker is walking this way pulling out a tape measure while whistling to the jingling of the nails in his pocket. The horse she rode in on can smell its stall and is starting to gallop. The fat lady has adjusted her horn helmet and is reaching for the throat spray. Could that be the referee looking at his watch with the whistle in his mouth and he's starting to pucker? Why yes, it could. Not to mention the train has pulled out of the station and the conductor is waving a lantern from the railing of the caboose.

They say that anything can happen, and it can, except for what the Junior Senator from New York needs to have happen, and that, my friends, simply can't happen. Or could it? A week is a year in politics. The moon could fall out of the sky. Pigs could sprout wings and fly to Mars. Jeremiah Wright could have another attack of the talkies. Who knows? Bill could rustle up the Arkansas Calvary to ride to her rescue. Look. Up in the sky. It's a bird. It's a plane. No, it's a flock of Superdelegates. Is that a light at the end of the tunnel? Unh, no, sorry. It's Obama with a flashlight directing her to the shoulder and he's repo-ing the Clinton bandwagon. The math just doesn't work. We've moved from the eminently possible to the minorly theoretical. Unless, that is; something really, really odd happens. Which it very well could. At any moment. But then again, probably not. Oh yeah. It's over.

Back In The Saddle Again, The Obama Comeback

Like a blind squirrel tripping over a discarded acorn, the pundits may have accidentally stumbled onto a similar nugget of truth in their speculation that Hillary is making Barack a better candidate. Or maybe he's just a quick learner. Either way, Mr. Obama seems to have gotten real good real quick. This week, in less than twelve hours, he managed to turn a debilitating loss into a triumphal moment of celebration complete with two males holding hands in a non-California or Massachusetts way. From goat to hero in less than a single revolution of Mickey's little hand. That's way beyond Clinton-good. We're verging on Reagan-good here.

Mr. Elitist has become Mr. Smoothiest. He's as polished as a casaba melon wrapped in a velour golf towel dipped in baby powder. More fluid than the lines on a Lamborghini carved out of Italian cream cheese resting under heat lamps. Less friction than a bead of sweat between two bodies in high heat at full rut. And if he's not real careful, they're going to start printing up t-shits with a picture of him over the caption: Slick Barry.

To say that Hillary Clinton beat him in West Virginia is like implying Post-It Notes don't library well in blast furnaces. Or, to use the Appalachian vernacular, he was beaten like a red-headed step child. What I'm saying here is: He lost. Real bad. By more than 40 points. Numbers more befitting an also ran than the ostensible front-runner. Not quite the infallible image a candidate being carried on a litter through teeming crowds on his way to a coronation is anxious to project.

But then, the very day after he got himself royally trounced by that recently transformed friend of the working man, Mr. Obama pulled from out of his hat, not just one, but two major league liberal endorsements. The first rabbit to sneak down his sleeve was that coquettish Democratic Party debutante, Senator John Edwards; who pretended to take almost as long to make up his mind about whom to endorse than he normally spends on his hair. The timing was the ball peen hammer to the forehead. You might even call it premeditated murder. A classic case of stashing a Heineken in the crisper bin of the frig at a party in a house that isn't yours.

Mr. Obama also received the blessing of the national abortion rights action league, NARAL. And the endorsements have hit Hillary Clinton like two sucker punches to the gut with gloves mounted on pneumatic pistons, especially the latter. Butting heads while competing for the same third generation factory worker constituency is one thing. Stealing the feminist vote from the feminist is another.

Mr. Edwards can be forgiven for jumping on a winning bandwagon, after spending so much time buried in the John Kerry submersible, but Hillary has been a NARAL supporter since day one, so if I were one of the directors of that particular organization, I would get down on my knees and pray to whatever Supreme Being I believed in that I was never subpoenaed to appear before one of Senator Clinton's subcommittees. Pray and invest in a varied yet tasteful wardrobe of Kevlar pantsuits. Because hell hath no fury like a woman getting her butt kicked in a primary fight she expected to win.


It seems at times all my life is about Kitchen duty. Sigh.

More Max

Just some more photos from my archives of my son Max whom I miss dearly.

Daniel and the Lions Den

This is Daniel, my friend Jeff's oldest son. There in the back ground is the mural I did for him back some time ago (Before he was actually born I do think).
Anyway, there it is.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Clocked Cafe

Topless Daisy Again

Apparently shits are not required for the girls. I don't have a problem with that at all. I encourage it. I just hope she grows out of it eventualy. Ha!

The Story of Shannon and I. Introduction

The Story of Shannon and I

As I move farther away from the anger of all that has happen I have decided to document it with a brief history preceding the actual relation of events. I do this nort out of vainity or fpr retaliation. I have had my fill of that. Rather I do it simply for the record. I plan on being matter of fact and as un biased as possible. I do it so that in the future there will be a record for Daisy and anyone else who cares to know.

I know that all stories told by one individual are one sided and well this will be my side.

I predicted much of it. I hate being right almost all the time (In my predictions not necessarily my stances). It would be tolerable if it ever did me any good. I see things coming like a freight train on fire yet I remain on the tracks. I know peoples motives and actions often times better and /or before than they do. I know better and I continue on with the wrong actions and people anyway as if I could effect some sort of correction or repair.

Yeah, I know … blah, blah, blah,….words, words, words.

Anyway I will start composing tonight and post either tomorrow or Thursday as time allows and continue to do so until I have calmly put it all down for the record.

If anyone has any corrections or anything to add they may do so. I am easy enough to contact and comments here are easy enough to post. I don’t censor.

I think I will entitle this journal “The Empty Sky” and may perhaps make it a separate blog altogether though linked to all my others as is my practice.

I also think I should do the same for Joy Max and I for much the same reasons though that one will be easier considering who is involved and the circumstances essentially being already well known and public record.

I mean nothing hurtful by any of this and plan no slander regardless of what may be thought by some. I plan just to lay it out as I have lived it and seen it. In the between time I will continue with my random blerg of post as per mood and event.

Stay tuned more strangeness to come.


Saint Tuesday

Monday, May 19, 2008

Max's Birthday

Today is my son Max’s birthday. He will be 8. I won’t get to see him and I haven’t been able to get him anything as I am dirt poor at the moment and as close to being homeless as you can get without sleeping under a bridge. I should be alright in a few weeks or more and my dis-ability hearing is soon so this should become a non issue. I love Max with all of my being and miss him every moment of every day. I have been dis allowed from seeing him for a large number of reasons none of which are abuse. I am against forces I can not fight, and well I have my own issues.

Max is so strong and so smart. He has a good Mother and very loving Grandparents (Even if I have differences with them they are DAMN good to and for him…both sets.) I am going to get my life worked out eventually for you and your baby half sister Daisy (Lord knows she needs me.) It just takes time and progress is slow. One often falls backwards or even gets shoved from time to time.

Happy birthday my beautiful baby boy. Daddy loves you and always will.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


There is a story behind this weird poem. I am not going to tell the meaning here or anywhere, anytime. It's private. A secret and it's nature and beauty would be tarnished by being too open with it. (For me at least).It is obviously a love poem but why I like it so much and it's "exact" meaning are only known to myself. Obviously too, it is composed about an individual. The poem or whatever you want to call this, is for she and I alone.

a grin
a kiss
a wink
a smile for you
for the days that bring burdens to trouble us
the days that make smiles difficult to cultivate
some soft silly thoughts for those long hours when the weight of labors
need is heavy and the morning is far away
the space between us. the words spoke in silent places with no one to hear.endure
love is a light
for me and for you
their is always the sun

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Me and Skully McGee

Busted flat in Seattle, waitin' for a train

And I's feelin' near as faded as my complextion

Skully thumbed a Greyhoud down just before it rained

It rode us all the way into Atlanta

I pulled my harpoon out of my dirty red bandana

I's playin' soft while Skully sang the blues, yeah

Windshield wipers slappin' time, I's holdin' Skully’s…well…Skull in my hand

We sang every song that driver knew, yeah

Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose

Nothin' don't mean nothin' hon' if it ain't free, no no

And feelin' good was easy, Lord, when Skully sang the blues

You know, feelin' good was good enough for me

Good enough for me and my Skully McGee

From the Astoria docks to the Georgia sun

There Skully shared the secrets of my soul

Through all kinds of weather, through everything we done

Yeah, Skully baby kept me from the cold

One day up near Douglasville, Lord, I let him slip away

He's lookin' for that home and I hope he finds it

But I'd trade all o' my tomorrows for one single yesterday

To be holdin' Skully's skull next to mine

Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose

Nothin', that's all that Skully left me, yeah

But if feelin' good was easy, Lord, when he sang the blues

Hey, feelin' good was good enough for me, mm-hmm

Good enough for me and my Skully McGee

La-da-da La-da-da-da La-da-da da-da da-da

La-da-da da-la-da la-da, Skully McGee, yeah

La-da-la-da-la-da La-da-la-da-daLa-da-la-da-la-la, Bobby McGee, yeah

La-da-da La-da-da La da-da La da-daLa-da-da La da-da La da-da

Hey, my Skully, Lord, my Skully McGee, yeah

Lo-da-lo da-la-lo-da-la

Lo-da-la-lo da-la-lo la-la-lo la-la-lo la-la

Hey, my Skully, Lord, my Skully McGee, yeah

Lord, I call him my Best Friend, call him my man

I said I call him my Best Friend, did the best I can, c'mon

Hey now Skully now, hey now Skully McGee, yeah

La-da la-da la-da la-da la-da la-da la-da la-laHey, hey, hey, Skully McGee, Lord!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Wounded Bite

To all my loves friends and family.I am sorry. I just don't do so well on my own anymore and it's getting worse. I needed some one to really see me through this struggle with bi-polarism and getting help. I know I have biten many a hand. It almost looked like I might have been able to recieve my disability aid this year, but that dream is as distant as the stars to me now and I have fallen into a dark well. I can't take all this anger. I don't know what to do but just end it. Just end it.
Forgive me if can. Just don't hate me, you don't have to love me, just don't hate me.

Sacrifice Let There be Peace

If I ride on the rails
I shall ride them alone
And if I need all this pain
I will find it alone
If I'm wanted for leaving
I will leave here alone
And if I can't resist this
Then I am unfit to go on
A simple solution is all I require
If fire is the passion I only aspire to be free
Let me be free
If the strain on your conscience gets under your skin
And leads you to making a sacrifice

Sacrifice me

Let there be peace

To the grave from the cradle
We don't rock anymore
Now I stand here with both feet
Planted firm on the floor
And if you're planning a future
Of indefinite grace
You'd better start removing
The lines of deceit from your face
A simple conclusion is all I require
If fire is the passion I only aspire to be free
Let me be free

And all of the hypocrites lie through their teeth

Talk about making a sacrifice
Sacrifice me
Let there be peace
How much longer can all this go on?
How many more choices can one person have?
And all of the questions with no proper answers
Continue continue
Have to go on have to go on have to go on
Should I bend down and worship the ground
Of the beautiful people who live without flaws?
Success is a virtue to share with the world
But failure's a lesson that's best learned alone
Respect is a virtue that strong men command
But when words become weapons

There'll be peace in the valley of Death when I rise

Peace in the valley of Death when I rise

Black Sheets Of Rain

Checking in every morning.
To the sound of steam and caffeine.
The sludge in the bottom of the cup.
Just like the sludge in the stream.
Slag heap keep growing higher.
Every morning the sky, it's on fire.
And it's only 9 AM again.
Is there an upside to every downside?
Keep it inside, it's a downward slide of broken glass.
Keeps building in piles.
And I don't know.
I don't know if the sun ever smiles.
It's the black sheets of rain.
Following me again.Everywhere I go.
Everywhere I've been.
Following me again.
I feel the toxins fill my blood stream as I'm walking through the parking lot.
Over and over and over and over and over and over.
The clouds hanging over.
Choking the life out of me.
The motto seems to be.
"We work in order to be free".
It's the black sheets of rain.
Following me again.
Everywhere I go.
Everywhere I've been.
Following me again.
Over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Where were you in my hour of need.
(I never see the sun stop shining).
The clouds roll over the sunlight.
(Someone stopped the sun from shining).
And I stand here, ready to bleed.
(I never see the sun stop shining).
A little rain is all we need.
(Someone stopped the sun from shining).
Where will you be in my darkest hour of need?
(I never see the sun stop shining).
Where will you be in my darkest hour of need?
(Someone stopped the sun).
Here it comes again.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Lovely Daisy

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Leave Well Enough Alone

Time to kill
wrote a living will and gave it to the man in the moon
but I'm on a get well soon
this happy face is watching me die
elevate me to another world all that I can do in my own is leave well enough alone
leave well enough alone
leave well enough alone
circumstance dropped by uninvited and demand to be fed but I've already gone to bed, there's nothing you can see from inside
my spirit arose and put on my clothes and helped me disconnecting the phone to leave well enough alone
leave well enough alone
leave well enough alone
time was I was a wire then a mole in a cake
first its all the reaction now its all the rage waking up at a station stop and reality's invading my brain
the cops wanna search the train, they'll take away whatever they find but I don't have the thoughts you want, just a memory of love i was shown a vision that turns to stone leave well enough alone
leave well enough alone

Falling In Love In A Coffee Shop

Arletta sent me this:

I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you.

Yes there's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you.

I've seen the paths that your eyes wander down,I want to come too.

I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you.

No one understands me, quite like you do,Through all of the shadowy corners of me.

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shopI love so much.

All of the while, I never knew.

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shopI love so much.

All of the while, I never knew.

I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you.

Yes there's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you.

I've seen the waters that make your eyes shine,Now I'm shining too.

Because, oh because,I've fallen quite hard over you.

If I didn't know you, I'd rather not know.

If I couldn't have you, I'd rather be alone.

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shopI love so much.

All of the while, I never knew.

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shopI love so much.

All of the while, I never knew.

All of the while, all of the while,And it's you.