Max's Birthday

Today is my son Max’s birthday. He will be 8. I won’t get to see him and I haven’t been able to get him anything as I am dirt poor at the moment and as close to being homeless as you can get without sleeping under a bridge. I should be alright in a few weeks or more and my dis-ability hearing is soon so this should become a non issue. I love Max with all of my being and miss him every moment of every day. I have been dis allowed from seeing him for a large number of reasons none of which are abuse. I am against forces I can not fight, and well I have my own issues.
Max is so strong and so smart. He has a good Mother and very loving Grandparents (Even if I have differences with them they are DAMN good to and for him…both sets.) I am going to get my life worked out eventually for you and your baby half sister Daisy (Lord knows she needs me.) It just takes time and progress is slow. One often falls backwards or even gets shoved from time to time.
Happy birthday my beautiful baby boy. Daddy loves you and always will.
Max is so strong and so smart. He has a good Mother and very loving Grandparents (Even if I have differences with them they are DAMN good to and for him…both sets.) I am going to get my life worked out eventually for you and your baby half sister Daisy (Lord knows she needs me.) It just takes time and progress is slow. One often falls backwards or even gets shoved from time to time.
Happy birthday my beautiful baby boy. Daddy loves you and always will.
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