The Story of Shannon and I. Introduction

The Story of Shannon and I
As I move farther away from the anger of all that has happen I have decided to document it with a brief history preceding the actual relation of events. I do this nort out of vainity or fpr retaliation. I have had my fill of that. Rather I do it simply for the record. I plan on being matter of fact and as un biased as possible. I do it so that in the future there will be a record for Daisy and anyone else who cares to know.
I know that all stories told by one individual are one sided and well this will be my side.
I predicted much of it. I hate being right almost all the time (In my predictions not necessarily my stances). It would be tolerable if it ever did me any good. I see things coming like a freight train on fire yet I remain on the tracks. I know peoples motives and actions often times better and /or before than they do. I know better and I continue on with the wrong actions and people anyway as if I could effect some sort of correction or repair.
Yeah, I know … blah, blah, blah,….words, words, words.
Anyway I will start composing tonight and post either tomorrow or Thursday as time allows and continue to do so until I have calmly put it all down for the record.
If anyone has any corrections or anything to add they may do so. I am easy enough to contact and comments here are easy enough to post. I don’t censor.
I think I will entitle this journal “The Empty Sky” and may perhaps make it a separate blog altogether though linked to all my others as is my practice.
I also think I should do the same for Joy Max and I for much the same reasons though that one will be easier considering who is involved and the circumstances essentially being already well known and public record.
I mean nothing hurtful by any of this and plan no slander regardless of what may be thought by some. I plan just to lay it out as I have lived it and seen it. In the between time I will continue with my random blerg of post as per mood and event.
Stay tuned more strangeness to come.
Saint Tuesday
As I move farther away from the anger of all that has happen I have decided to document it with a brief history preceding the actual relation of events. I do this nort out of vainity or fpr retaliation. I have had my fill of that. Rather I do it simply for the record. I plan on being matter of fact and as un biased as possible. I do it so that in the future there will be a record for Daisy and anyone else who cares to know.
I know that all stories told by one individual are one sided and well this will be my side.
I predicted much of it. I hate being right almost all the time (In my predictions not necessarily my stances). It would be tolerable if it ever did me any good. I see things coming like a freight train on fire yet I remain on the tracks. I know peoples motives and actions often times better and /or before than they do. I know better and I continue on with the wrong actions and people anyway as if I could effect some sort of correction or repair.
Yeah, I know … blah, blah, blah,….words, words, words.
Anyway I will start composing tonight and post either tomorrow or Thursday as time allows and continue to do so until I have calmly put it all down for the record.
If anyone has any corrections or anything to add they may do so. I am easy enough to contact and comments here are easy enough to post. I don’t censor.
I think I will entitle this journal “The Empty Sky” and may perhaps make it a separate blog altogether though linked to all my others as is my practice.
I also think I should do the same for Joy Max and I for much the same reasons though that one will be easier considering who is involved and the circumstances essentially being already well known and public record.
I mean nothing hurtful by any of this and plan no slander regardless of what may be thought by some. I plan just to lay it out as I have lived it and seen it. In the between time I will continue with my random blerg of post as per mood and event.
Stay tuned more strangeness to come.
Saint Tuesday
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