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Hitler Day

Okay this is just peev entry but I have been watching the history Channel this morning and so far everything they have aired has had something to do with Hitler. What is it …Hitler Day? I don't care if it is close to his birthday .I know there are those who would say that the History Channel would be better named "The World War II Channel but that aside today has been a real pounding of Nazi documentaries…the Nazi Occult connection, Rockets of the SS, Hitler's Chef, Hitler's shot glass collection etc…blah blah blah.
While I am on the subject of documentaries here is a short list of Documentary topics I have had enough of and need no more:
1.Anything to do with The Knights Templar or free masons.
2.The Devinci Code…enough with the Jesus conspiracies.
4.Killer Asteroids
5.The mega volcano under Yellowstone.
6.For that matter ALL end of the world disaster crap
7.U.F.O.'s Why the Hell are channels like the History Channel and the Science channel covering this shit anyway?
8.In that same vein…Canada's Roswell, England's Roswell, Russia's Roswell, Hitler's Roswell…Jeeez!

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