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Bush and the Blogger defense

This just in from AlterNet:
"As E&P's Greg Mitchell writes:
This is how far he, and his argument for continuing the slaughter in Iraq, has fallen: President Bush today was reduced to quoting two anonymous bloggers from Baghdad.
He cited them as evidence that his surge/escalation is working. One problem: their posts were written weeks ago, and re-published in the Wall Street Journal on March 7.
McCain's comments, the ones he's been forced to flee from due to their laughable nature, are also confronted with an assessment from General Barry McCaffrey (Ret.) portraying Baghdad as a severely dangerous place to be with few signs of progress.
In the clip, Olbermann and former Wash Post Iraq bureau chief Rajiv Chandrasekaran discuss the gulf between reality and the Bush/McCain/Dentist blogger view... "
Click here http://www.alternet.org/blogs/video/49901 or on the post title to see the video.

Also:David Hicks pleads guilty from Gitmo -- sort of [VIDEO] http://www.alternet.org/blogs/video/49884

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