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How to Build Your Own YF-22 In Your Spare Time

You will need:
One penny, dated circa 1900.
A cereal box (unopened, i.e. containing cereal).
A coin-operated time machine.
A bank account containing at least $20.00.
1039 Billion metric tons of scotch tape.*
Once you gather your supplies go to a cash machine and withdraw exactly $20.00 from your bank account. Having done this go buy something that cost around 5.49$ from any nearby store this is to obtain some change.
Use the money to operate the time machine. (Note: time machine, bank account and the money contained therein will be created during later steps.)
Therefore the only equipment you ACTUALLY need to find in order to build this YF-22 is :
The scotch tape, the penny and the cereal box. However, you should ensure that all of the above items are present before you begin, or you will not be successful.
Now, go forwards in time by several thousand years to a future era of human history, which has invented time travel. You can do this simply by not dying by whatever death-avoidence method suits your taste and budget or better yet use the time machine you will acquire in the next step. You just need to get to the future and as the arrow of time is fairly easy to navigate in that direction you should be able to accomplish this task.
Withdraw some more cash from your account - it will have accumulated a HUGE quantity of interest during this time - and purchase a coin-operated time machine.
Send the coin operated time machine back in time on autopilot to several minutes before you started following these instructions.
This accounts for the time machine in the above list.
Head back to the 1900s or thereabouts and open a bank account with a suitably old penny in what will become your bank in your home era.
Remember, banks go through name changes, so be sure to check up on what its old name used to be.
Deposit the old penny. Compound interest should increase the value of this penny to about 20.00$ by the time you need it in 2007ish.
All of your money is now also accounted for, as is your bank account.
Take your scotch tape and your box of cereal backwards in time by roughly 14,000,000,000 years and allow the preposterous quantity of scotch tape to undergo gravitational collapse to form a star.
This star should be of sufficient mass to go supernova, generating large amounts of iron and other heavy elements.
If you picked your spot correctly, this should result in the creation of our Sun and the planet Earth, both of which you are therefore directly responsible for.
Head down onto the shores of young, sterile, lifeless Earth and empty out the box of cereal onto a randomly selected stretch of coastline.
Mold and bacteria in the cereal should soon begin to munch on the cereal, then the box, gradually evolving and growing until becoming life, as we know it.
You are now also responsible for the evolution of humanity, and obviously, all things that humanity has ever done, including, for example, the invention of time machines, bank accounts, scotch tape, breakfast cereal, and YF-22 fighter planes (Cool). (Note: even if the bacteria die out and humanity evolves by other means, then you still made Earth and everything on it, so you still get the credit for YF-22s. However, the cereal box is not directly involved.)
Head to the distant future a second time.
Extract millions of dollars from your bank account.
Finally, return to the present day.
Purchase a real YF-22.
*Give or take a few onces.



I like this one...it is a lot like yourTime Travel one...bty why did you pull that one?

I'll have to give this a go but I'd rather build my own BMW Boxter. Would that work?

Hmmm, yeah that would probably work on as well and now that I think of it it would be the perfect way to replace our geriatric Saab.

Oh, and by the way how are things on your side of the Pacific?

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