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Ah Just Fuck It

Just Purging some ANGER here, it' will poison your soul if you don't get rid of it from time to time.
I am sure I will reget it later when I cool down. I always do.

You know I broke up with my long time girlfriend and ex fiancee back this January. I thought all was well until she started fucking this Gimli look alike and stareted bringing him and his MOM (Yes his Mom...at 31 he still lives with her...they have some sort of Edipus thinf going on) over to do drugs around my less than 2 year ols daughter. Well Shannon can fuck all the dwarves (Or is it Gnomes?) she cares too but I would rather not have them around my kids...Why am I saying all this viscious crap? Yes, I know it's unlike me to be vindictive...He He he...But well I am pissed. I read all these blogs by Shannon on her Myspace and good lord...she does have a veiw of the worlsd entirely her own. so I thought would get out a little ange and republish some old relevent and not so relevent blogs of my own. It is the eve of my moving and I just wanted to get some bad blood bleed out of me. I have a new girlfriend and she advised me to air out the laundry so pardon the Jerry Springerness of it all but well, hell it is my blog.
