This entire Seattle / Washington / Olympia (Hell North West Oregon thing) affair has been one gigantic clusterfuck. What I thought would be a 4-6, maybe eight week affair has turned into something I can scarcely see an end to.
It feels a lot like Shanzi and I are done and I have no idea what I am now to do.
The help I thought was here is not and now it looks like it's going to be December before my disability hearing will come to be.
I have a ticket out of town and I am hitting the road.
Scince I have been here I have been assaulted, robbed and surounded by crazed drug addicts ...It's all too much. As I have had no place to stay I have wondered the streets scince Tuesday and currenttly not slept for two days now (You try sleeping in public in the rain and in 35 degree weather.
Well I still have hope and if Shanzi will stand by me I can get through this.
I love you all and hope to comunicate more in the near future
Forgive the typos as I broke my glasses and can't see too well
It feels a lot like Shanzi and I are done and I have no idea what I am now to do.
The help I thought was here is not and now it looks like it's going to be December before my disability hearing will come to be.
I have a ticket out of town and I am hitting the road.
Scince I have been here I have been assaulted, robbed and surounded by crazed drug addicts ...It's all too much. As I have had no place to stay I have wondered the streets scince Tuesday and currenttly not slept for two days now (You try sleeping in public in the rain and in 35 degree weather.
Well I still have hope and if Shanzi will stand by me I can get through this.
I love you all and hope to comunicate more in the near future
Forgive the typos as I broke my glasses and can't see too well