U.F.O.s and the Terrorist

Would you believe the NY Times published an op-ed today ...calling for closer monitoring of UFOs? I think it's intended seriously. It begins by suggesting that it -- our neglect of will-o'-the-wisps and reflections of Venus -- is a security loophole that terrorists might exploit, and then it gives several anecdotal accounts of unlikely events, such as this one:
"On Dec. 26, 1980, for instance, several witnesses at two American Air Force bases in England reported seeing a U.F.O. land.
An examination of the site turned up indentations in the ground and a level of radiation in the area that was significantly higher than ordinary. More witnesses at the same base reported the U.F.O. again on subsequent nights. The deputy base commander reported that the aircraft aimed light beams into the most highly sensitive area of the base -- a clear security breach."
I kid You not.
Apparently, we should be concerned that Al-Qaeda is piloting nuclear-powered flying saucers to fly through our defenses and peek into hangars. Maybe they are pissed about that whole Roswell thing or maybe they just didn’t like how they were portrayed in the X Files. I personally blame Chris Carter.
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