FOX News, The Idiots News Source
Check out this story I read this morning. I am all but sure people who believe that FOX news is fair and balanced must have the IQ's of rock snails.
FOX News is in the desperate throes of backing a losing party. Despite what Megyn "Obama's Baby Mama" Kelly would have you believe, FOX has been the GOP's mouthpiece throughout this election, viciously maligning Barack Obama while pushing the party's conservative agenda. (For proof of just how much slander they have spewed, check out FOX Attacks Obama, FOX Attacks Obama 2, or FOX Attacks Obama Just Like Kerry.) In fact, I hold them as responsible as McCain's most bigoted supporters for stoking the racial prejudice and xenophobic hatred that we're now seeing in campaign events across the country. Amazingly though, the Obama campaign has begun calling out FOX for their loathsome media bias.
First, Obama criticized FOX on national television during the third presidential debate. Then, in an interview for The New York Times Sunday magazine, Obama told Matt Bai, "I am convinced that if there were no Fox News, I might be two or three points higher in the polls." And now we have Obama staffers confronting FOX on their own network. Just watch as Bill Burton remains unflappable during this heated exchange with Kelly, who completely loses her cool.
In response to McCain's ludicrous attack on Obama for being "the Redistributor" of wealth -- an attack FOX has of course perpetuated and exacerbated with their Joe the Plumber socialist nonsense -- Burton calmly tells Kelly: "This is a fake news controversy drummed up by the all too common alliance of FOX News, the Drudge Report and John McCain, who apparently decided to close out his campaign with the same false, desperate attacks that have failed for months."
It is, as Burton says, a fake news controversy. Even conservatives like George Will have said that 95 percent of the government's job is to redistribute wealth. But in a hopeless attempt to paint Obama as a Socialist, the Republicans and FOX News alike are on the verge of losing a crucial ideological battle on free market fundamentalism, which is probably why Burton's composure causes Kelly to become choleric.
FOX isn't merely rearranging the deck chairs on the GOP's Titanic anymore. They're violently throwing those chairs at everyone trying to make their way to a lifeboat.
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