I know I suck for the most part but Goddamn it I ...well hell what am I too say. So much evil has been said of me, thrown at me and accused of me. I have paid for my sins and I deserve more. I suppose I shall never see it. People can call me a liar and a devil then turn around and lie to me and be daemons themselves. That's okay. I have no voice, perhaps I never will. Am I distressed? Am I depressed? Am I angry? Am I hungry? Did I just pull a tick off me from playing with Dee's Dog? Do I like German mustard?
YES. I have every right to all these things and if you have a problem with that, communicate with me. I can be very kind and I am not always crazy. I am sorry I am the way god (If he/she/it, is there) made me. If you are Christian well then do what Jesus tried to teach you to do, FORGIVE ME.
I don't mean to be ugly but I just want a little Respect or at least a little tolerence.
If I could get some of that maybe I wouldn't rant on all the time (My Meds would help too.) There are some who to seem to think I am great (Thanks, Dee and Arletta and Avery, and Tim) and others who would see me drowned...Stop PLEASE!)
I have been lied to and denied my children and so many who are guilty of worse are not so denied. Is this right? If You think so then justify it. I'll bet you can't. I have not murdered, raped or abused anyone. I have In fact been the object of abuse and I want the oppertunity to speak.
If I rant it is because no one listens.
Oh Hell, This will make no difeerence any way so why do I bother.
YES. I have every right to all these things and if you have a problem with that, communicate with me. I can be very kind and I am not always crazy. I am sorry I am the way god (If he/she/it, is there) made me. If you are Christian well then do what Jesus tried to teach you to do, FORGIVE ME.
I don't mean to be ugly but I just want a little Respect or at least a little tolerence.
If I could get some of that maybe I wouldn't rant on all the time (My Meds would help too.) There are some who to seem to think I am great (Thanks, Dee and Arletta and Avery, and Tim) and others who would see me drowned...Stop PLEASE!)
I have been lied to and denied my children and so many who are guilty of worse are not so denied. Is this right? If You think so then justify it. I'll bet you can't. I have not murdered, raped or abused anyone. I have In fact been the object of abuse and I want the oppertunity to speak.
If I rant it is because no one listens.
Oh Hell, This will make no difeerence any way so why do I bother.