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The Chocolate Dog, a pug of a different flavor

This blog is the scion to Rant Ramble and Repeat 3 and Scrambled Eggs and is a work in process. Thank You to all who have helped me along the way.

When I first started blogging I did so for a number of reasons. I wanted to express myself. I am certainly not alone in that. I wanted a testing ground for my writing. I wanted to document the various phases I go through in dealing with the fact that I am Bipolar. I wanted to sort through my emotional state in the aftermath of my catastrophic psychotic break and suicide attempt a number of years ago. I wanted to leave a visible footprint of who I am, what I think, what I like, of my creative endeavors (My artwork, essays, short stories, and occasional recipes.), my politics (Past and present), my view point and much more for my son Max. I wanted to reach out to the world in my own small, vain way.
I have a story to tell and honestly I am not sure how to tell it. It is far from clear and far from finished. As I stubble along with my scribbling here in cyber space I find little clues to that end. However the final edit has yet to arrive.
In the first blog I posted a fair amount of good work and healthy expressions but I also all to often went off the deep end as well. There were times I just let anger, grief, confusion, grudges, and venomous pride win the day. While I don't exactly regret those post (There were times when that sort of thing is damn funny) I do believe them to be bad form. When my history is written for Max, Daisy, Hailee, Ariel and Sierra I don't want bitterness to taint the flavor of the read. There is more to and of me than that. All that aside there is also the fact that I did a very poor job of editing and it shows and that as I said earlier is just bad form.
The successive evolved into something akin to a bipolar journal/exchange and merged together as my Scrabbled Eggs Blog. While I still maintain that blog it deviates from the original purpose of Rant Ramble and Repeat 3 and that brings us to The Chocolate Dog.
The Chocolate Dog was the name I first wanted to call my main blog but due to my inexperience in formatting html, xhtml, open source software etc… the blog ended up entitled as it was. R3 was in fact the title of a very lengthy essay/short story that I never actually posted, oh well. In reflection the title was appropriate. In it I do rant, ramble and repeat a great deal.
As I move ahead with this new stage I will not completely discard the old but rather keep it as a sort of "scratch pad" and also as place to go a little nuts when the need arises. I will also be reworking and moving a lot of the material there to this blog as so to keep some element of continuity.
The Chocolate Dog title itself has its origins in a cartoon strip I began in 2003. The Chocolate Dog was its mascot though she never appeared in any of them so far unless you count the header and side bar. I decided on that creation based on a event that occurred in 2003.You see my step sister B.J. has an annoying and gruesome pug. I say annoying because of the unceasing gurgling sounds that seem to emanate from its nasal cavities. I say gruesome because of its habitual poo eating and endless need to vomit. That aside, I was accused of breaking into my fathers house, drinking his liqueur, using his phone and sneaking to back of the house where I purportedly poured chocolate syrup on the nasty little dogs back as it gurgled and puked within the confines of its cage. In all fairness I did enter through Pops house through a window my sisters boyfriend kept unlocked for access, I did look for liqueur but failed to find any and I did use the phone. I did not pour chocolate on the dog.
The accusation was so ludicrous, surreal and full of nonsense that it seemed a perfect embodiment of my comic strip (Which is pretty silly). I have now expanded the vehicle to include my written word and journal.
Now that I've said all I will wrap it up. I look forward to proceeding with my on line adventures and I welcome any and all feed back: negative as well as positive. I can't wait to see where this road will take me.
I apologize for the length of this boring assembly of nouns, verbs, modifiers, adjectives and the like in reviewing this I am reminded of the Mark Twain quote…"I'm sorry this letter is so long. I didn't have the time to make it short." Well the Devil's in the edit.
Until next I write…
Saint Tuesday.

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